COVID-19 Policies and Rules
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, a global pandemic. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to be spread mainly by person-to-person contact. As a result, state, federal, and local governments as well as federal and state health agencies recommend social distancing and taking other precautions.
Octamedia Productions (“we” or “Company”) is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all its employees, staff, management personnel, contractors (the “Workers”), and clients (the Workers and clients referred to collectively herein as “you”). In light of the pandemic, Company has developed the following COVID-19 Policies and Procedures (the “Plan”) to ensure we have a safe and healthy workplace. The goal of this Plan is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our workplace and communities, which requires full cooperation amongst our Workers and clients. Only through this collaborative effort can we establish and maintain the safety and health of our workers and workplaces.
This Plan applies to clients and all Workers who physically work at our our workspace located at 757 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 18, San Rafael, CA 94901 (the “Studio”) and who work with Company on location (the “Location”). You are responsible for implementing and complying with all aspects of this Plan.
We are serious about the safety and health of everyone who works for and with the Company. The involvement of all Workers and clients is essential in developing and implementing this Plan. This Plan follows the guidance, materials, and standards provided by the Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC), California state authorities, local Marin County authorities, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Specifically, this Plan addresses:
• Hygiene and respiratory etiquette;
• Engineering and administrative controls for social distancing;
• Cleaning, disinfecting, decontamination, and ventilation;
• Prompt identification and isolation of sick persons;
• Communications and training that will be provided to Company employees, staff, contractors, and other personnel; and,
• The administrative controls necessary to ensure effective implementation of the Plan.
Testing / Screening Policies for Workers and Clients Who Exhibit Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19
According to the CDC, the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 may include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Fever or chills
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• New loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea
This list does not include all possible symptoms. Note that symptoms may appear 2 – 14 days after exposure to the virus.
All Workers and clients will be informed of and encouraged to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. The following policies and procedures are being implemented to assess the health status of all Workers and clients prior to entering the Studio and prior to coming into contact with any Workers outside of the Studio while on Location.
The following sick leave arrangements apply to all Workers:
• If you feel ill, are exhibiting any of the above symptoms, or have exhibited any of the above symptoms within the last 14 calendar days, you must immediately notify Frédéric Neema (the “the Company Representative”), and you must either request sick leave or work from home. You will not be allowed to enter the Studio or meet clients at Location for at least 14 calendar days from the date the Company Representative is notified until you are fully asymptomatic.
• If you have a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, you must stay home for at least 14 calendar days and can only return to the Studio or meet a client at Location after you have fully recovered, with a doctor’s note confirming your recovery. Upon a positive COVID-19 diagnosis among any of the Workers, Company will send out a formal announcement to all other Workers and any clients with whom the infected person was in contact.
The following work from home requests apply to all Workers:
• If you are feeling ill, but you are still able to work, you can request to work from home.
• If you have recently returned from areas with a high number of COVID-19 cases (see CDC announcements), you must notify Company Representative immediately, regardless of whether you are exhibiting any of the above-listed symptoms. Upon your return, Company Representative may ask you to work from home for 14 calendar days from the date the Company Representative is notified and to return to the office only if you are asymptomatic after that 14-day period. During that time, you will also be asked to not come into physical contact with any other Workers or clients.
• If you have been in close contact with someone infected by COVID-19, and thus have a high chance of being infected yourself, you must immediately notify the Company Representative, regardless of whether you are exhibiting any of the above-listed symptoms. Company Representative may request that you work from home for 14 calendar days from the date the Company Representative is notified. During that 14-day period, you will also be asked to not come into physical contact with any other Workers or clients.
Travel / Commuting Measures
The following travel and commuting measures apply to all Workers:
• Any Company business trips will be postponed or cancelled until further notice.
• In-person meetings should be done virtually where possible, especially when such meetings involve non-Company parties. If virtual meetings are not reasonably practicable, in-person meetings may occur, with all participants agreeing to adhere to the terms of this Plan and the Company’s Social Distancing Policy.
• If you are planning to travel voluntarily to a high-risk area with increased COVID-19 cases, Company will ask you to work from home for 14 calendar days upon your return. During that 14-day period, you will also be asked to not come into physical contact with any other Worker or clients.
Temperature Checks
All Workers, clients, and any other visitors to the Studio should be prepared to submit to temperature checks and self-screening immediately upon entering the Studio until further notice. Company will use best efforts to ensure, but does not guarantee, that temperature checks are performed in the least invasive way possible, such as with temperature guns or forehead readings. Testing will be performed in a nondiscriminatory manner. Company will maintain a record of these temperature checks and self-screening forms of all Workers and visitors to the Studio, including clients, and Company will keep these health records confidential.
If a temperature check reveals that a Worker, client, or visitor has a fever, that person will not be allowed to enter the Studio.
Basic infection prevention measures are being implemented at the Studio at all times. Workers are instructed to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water frequently throughout the day, but especially upon entering the Studio in the morning and before leaving the Studio at the end of the day, prior to any mealtimes at the Studio, after coughing or sneezing, and after using the toilet. All clients will be required to wash hands with soap and water or sanitize their hands immediately upon entering the Studio, if on set, or before reaching the Location, if on location. Hand-sanitizer of greater than 60% alcohol will be provided by Company at Studio and at Location for all Workers and clients to use as a supplement to hand washing or to use in place of hand washing, if the Workers and clients are unable to do so.
Respiratory Etiquette
Workers, clients, and visitors are being instructed to cover their mouth and nose with their sleeve, elbow, or a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and to avoid touching their face, in particular their mouth, nose, and eyes. Workers, clients, and visitors should dispose of used tissues in trash receptacles and wash or sanitize their hands immediately afterwards. Company will provide tissues and trash receptables at Studio and / or at the Location for use by all Workers, clients, and visitors.
Social Distancing and PPE
The CDC defines social distancing as keeping at least 6 feet of space (or about 2 arms’ length) between yourself and other people. Social distancing will be implemented by Company and maintained by Workers and clients when at the Studio and when at Location. Please refer to Company’s Social Distancing Policy for details (attached).
Proper personal protective equipment (PPE), including face coverings / masks and gloves, must be worn at times when social distancing cannot be reasonably maintained. Company will supply face coverings / masks and gloves at Studio or at Location, pending availability, for use by Workers and clients. Regardless, all Workers and clients are encouraged to supply and use their own face coverings / masks and gloves when at the Studio and / or at Location.
If an order is in place by California or Marin county mandating facial coverings or masks, then be aware of this and make sure it is included in this Plan.
Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Ventilation
Regular housekeeping practices are being implemented, including routine cleaning and disinfecting of work surfaces, equipment, tools and machinery, and areas in the Studio, including restrooms, break rooms, lunch rooms, meeting rooms, fitting rooms, and drop-off and pick-up locations. Frequent cleaning and disinfecting will be conducted in high-touch areas, including but not limited to camera equipment and gear, phones, keyboards, touch screens, door handles, elevator panels, railings, copy machines, credit card readres, and delivery equipment. Workers are discouraged from sharing tools and equipment to the extent practicable. Pursuant to the Social Distancing Policy, if you need to use shared supplies and / or equipment, you should: (1) maintain a six-foot distance from others when waiting to use the supplies or equipment; (2) use hand sanitizer before and after each use; (3) use disposable gloves provided when using shared equipment; and, (4) disinfect equipment with wipes before and after each use on all touch surfaces.
A cleaning staff (the “Cleaning Staff”) will regularly clean the Office with cleaning and disinfectant products. This routine cleaning will include: cleaning surfaces, especially frequently touched surfaces, including but not limited to tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks, with soap and water, followed by disinfecting these surfaces with proper disinfectant products. The Cleaning Staff should wear disposable gloves while cleaning and disinfecting the Office.
If Company discovers that a Worker or a client who visited the Studio is diagnosed with COVID-19, then Company must, in accordance with CDC guidelines, close off the areas in the Studio visited by the infected person and should wait at least 24 hours to clean and disinfect the closed off areas. Cleaning Staff will then clean and disinfect all areas used by the infected person, focusing specifically on frequently touched areas (as listed in the paragraph above). The Cleaning Staff must immediately wash hands with soap and water upon completing the cleaning process and removing gloves.
Appropriate and effective cleaning and disinfectant supplies have been purchased and are available for use in accordance with the product lables, safety datasheets, and manufacturer specifications, and will be used with required personal protective equipment for the product, if any.
If reasonably practicable, Company will open any windows of the Studio to increase ventilation in the Studio.
Communications and Training
This Plan was communicated verbally and electronically to all Workers on or prior to the scheduled shooting date and necessary training has been provided. Additional communication and training will be ongoing and provided to all Workers who did not receive initial training. This Plan will be communicated to all clients prior to a scheduled shoot or meeting, whether the client comes to the Studio or meets the Company on Location.
Information related to the COVID-19 pandemic and related actions by local, state, and federal governments are changing by the day. As such, Company reserves the right to modify the terms of this Plan in Company’s own discretion based on the discovery of new information. However, Company cannot guarantee or endorse the current accuracy of the information presented in this Plan. Although the content we have provided in this Plan was accurate at the time of creating it, that may have since changed given the fluid nature of the COVID-19 situation. As a result, please regularly consult federal guidelines and state and local authorities on your own for updates. Further, Company accepts no responsibility, and will not be liable for, the use of or reliance on the information provided. Please see the Resources attached as Exhibit A for further guidance.
We appreciate your cooperation!
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Businesses and Workplaces:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Cleaning and Disinfection for Community Facilities:
Federal OSHA –
California Guidelines: